Beyond the Colonial Ontological Turn: Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Australia

The SAGE Handbook of Global Sociology addresses the ‘social’, its various expressions globally, and the ways in which such understandings enable us to understand and account for global structures and processes. It demonstrates the vitality of thought from around the world by connecting theories and traditions, including reflections on European colonization, to build shared, rather […]

Indigenous Australian Understandings of Holistic Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing

Through colonisation in Australia, Western paradigms of health and mental health have dominated the discourse on mental health and excluded Indigenous knowledges, which consider wellbeing from a more holistic perspective. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (the Indigenous peoples of Australia) understand health through the Social and Emotional WellBeing (SEWB) model, which considers the body […]

Chapter 3: Indigenous Psychology in Australia

The new sixth edition of the Burton Psychology is the gold standard ANZ resource on the market. After comprehensive consultation and research, the new edition has been reduced in size by 19%, and refreshed to include cross-cultural psychology throughout the book. The text has also been reorganised to place new chapters on Indigenous Psychology and […]

Exploring the Social and Cultural Determinants of Indigenous Males’ Participation and Success in Higher Education in Australia Health Promotion with Adolescent Boys and Young Men of Colour: Global Strategies for Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice in Context

Higher education is an important social determinant of health. In Australia, the under-representation of Indigenous males (In this study we use the term `males’ rather than `men’. This is an attempt to acknowledge cultural lore and be inclusive of males who have been through an initiation ceremony and those who have not had the opportunity […]

Caring for Country: Indigenous Wellbeing, Law, and Environmental Justice

Climate change is emerging as a global determinant of mental health and wellbeing impacting existing and escalating socio-economic inequities (Charlson, et al, 2021). There is clear evidence that the mental health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Indigenous peoples in general are being adversely impacted by climate change (HEAL Network & CRE-STRIDE […]

The Indigenous Turn: Epistemic Justice, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, and Social and Emotional Well-Being.

Colonial research practices across centuries have appropriated, exploited, and effectively ignored Indigenous knowledges across time. Part of Indigenous struggles for justice is to validate their own knowledges and knowledge holders. The protection of Indigenous knowledge is widely acknowledged by a number of human rights conventions and declarations. Article 31 of the United Nations Declaration of […]

Decolonising Australian Psychology: The Influences of Aboriginal Psychologists

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia have been profoundly impacted by colonisation and continue to counter its affects by rebuilding language, regaining access to lands and living culture, and enhancing social and emotional wellbeing. The discipline of psychology has played a major role in perpetuating harm towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples […]

(De)colonizing Culture in Community Psychology: Reflections from Critical Social Science

Since its inception, community psychology has been interested in cultural matters relating to issues of diversity and marginalization. However, the field has tended to understand culture as a static social marker or as the background for understanding group differences. In this chapter, the authors contend that culture is inseparable from who we are and what […]