Our Healing Ways: supervision: a culturally appropriate model for Aboriginal workers

The healing power of Native American culture is inspiring psychologists to embrace cultural humility.

What are the Frontier Wars?

The Frontier Wars refer to conflicts between Europeans and Aboriginal people including battles, acts of resistance and open massacres from 1788 to the 1930s. This website provides an overview of Aboriginal resistance to European colonisation and details a number of specific conflicts across the country. The site includes video discussion with Aboriginal and non-Indigenous peoples […]
Indigenising the Psychology Curriculum – Traps and Tips

An easy to read spreadsheet listing traps, tips, and resources for psychology educators in the process of Indigensing the psychology curriculum. This document is a work in progress, all feedback and suggestions are welcomed.
A model for large-scale, interprofessional, compulsory cross-cultural education with an Indigenous focus

Cultural competency training for health professionals is now a recognised strategy to address health disparities between minority and white populations in Western nations. In Australia, urgent action is required to “Close the Gap” between the health outcomes of Indigenous Australians and the dominant European population, and significantly, cultural competency development for health professionals has been […]
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health

Overview Supporting health professionals in improving knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health care to achieve better outcomes. Module 1: Interviewing an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander patient Engagement and communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in a culturally appropriate and safe way. Module 2: Developing a mental health […]
The Djurruwang Program: Cultural affirmation for effective mental health

This chapter outlines the growth and development of the Djirruwang Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Worker Education and Training Program (The Djirruwang Program) in Australia. The chapter describes what can be achieved when individuals, organisations, health disciplines and Aboriginal communities work in close partnership and learn from each other. We emphasise the importance […]
Teaching intercultural competencies in introductory psychology via application of the excellence in cultural experiential learning and leadership model

This article describes a pilot evaluation involving teaching and learning activities focussed on developing intercultural competencies in an undergraduate psychology unit. Specifically, first year psychology students engaged in two tasks derived from the alliance building and cultural mapping methods of an existing intercultural training resource—the Excellence in Cultural Experiential Learning and Leadership (EXCELL; Mak, Westwood, […]
Turning the corner: assessment as a key strategy to enhance greater engagement and understanding in Indigenous health
Background: Developing a culturally competent health workforce is a key strategy in the struggle to provide quality healthcare services for Aboriginal people. Since 2000, the Centre for Aboriginal Medical and Dental Health has implemented a comprehensive vertically and horizontally integrated Aboriginal health curriculum across the 6 year MBBS program at the University of Western Australia. […]
Addictions – Violence and Spirituality

We Al-li community and workplace workshops are an Indigenous therapeutic response to individual, family and community pain that many people carry as part of their life experience. For Aboriginal peoples this pain is more specifically defined as the traumatic impacts of the multiple intergenerational experiences of colonisation resulting in ill-health, individual, family and community dysfunction […]
Trauma and Recovery

We Al-li community and workplace workshops are an Indigenous therapeutic response to individual, family and community pain that many people carry as part of their life experience. For Aboriginal peoples this pain is more specifically defined as the traumatic impacts of the multiple intergenerational experiences of colonisation resulting in ill-health, individual, family and community dysfunction […]
National Best Practice Framework for Cultural Competency in Australian Universities

This website contains some of the information from the National Best Practice Framework for Cultural Competency in Australian Universities, as well information on the Pilot Activity Projects conducted as part of this initiative.
Institutional Indigenous Cultural Competency Program

The Indigenous Cultural Competency Program (ICCP) responds to a series of strategic priorities at CSU where we aim to improve the education and lives for Indigenous Australians. The entire Indigenous Cultural Competency Program has three components: Stage 1: The Individual Online Cultural Competency Program is available for all staff. This individual component of the journey […]
PSY114 Indigenous Australians and Psychology: An Introduction

Overview: This subject provides students with foundational knowledge in Indigenous Australian Studies from which to build their discipline-specific understandings and skills and ability to work effectively in Indigenous contexts. It is constructed within a cultural competence pedagogical framework which enhances the development of student graduate attributes and prepares students for active citizenship and engagement in […]
CUC107 Cultural Intelligence and Capability

Cultural Intelligence and Capability explores important issues related to living, studying and working as a professional in the diverse social and cultural environments of contemporary society. The unit examines broad interactions between culture, knowledge experience and behaviour and the way in which these interactions and our perceptions of culture shape our interactions at a personal, […]
APP2101 Intercultural and Developmental Issues in Psychology

Consists of two components: intercultural psychology and developmental psychology. The intercultural psychology component aims to develop a critical awareness of, and appreciate for cultural, social and psychological diversity. Psychological perspectives related to cultural diversity, individual and group identities and Indigenous and dominant communities is introduced Learning outcomes: On the successful completion of this unit, students […]
PSY320 Indigenous Cultural Immersion Experience

The plan for this subject was a capstone experience which would provide students with face to face experience with Indigenous Elders Syllabus. The cultural guides will be responsible for providing background knowledge on: • The experiences of the local Indigenous people in that community and the past and ongoing impact of colonisation. • The history […]