Community self-care resources

Community self-care resources
Minimising harm in conversations about the referendum

Minimising harm in conversations about the referendum
Support services – Voice referendum

Support services – Voice referendum
Information, resources, and supports relating to the Voice to Parliament Referendum

Information, resources, and supports relating to the Voice to Parliament Referendum
Violence Against Women: Lets Stop it at the Start – Resources

Violence Against Women: Lets Stop it at the Start – Resources
Walkern Katatdjin Rainbow Knowledge: Publications and Presentations

Walkern Katatdjin Rainbow Knowledge: Publications and Presentations
Heal Our Way
Heal Our Way is a NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Campaign funded by NSW Ministry of Health under the Towards Zero Suicides (TZS), and is led by Cox Inall Ridgeway in partnership with Aboriginal Communities within NSW. The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness of suicide within Aboriginal communities in […]
Understanding the Frontier Wars

This resource accompanies the SBS documentary The Australian Wars (produced by Blackfella Films) about the Frontier Wars – Australia’s longest war fought on home soil between 1790 and the 1940s. SBS Learn strongly advises completing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocols Guide – for Teachers before engaging with this teaching resource. This is essential […]
Trauma-informed care: Culturally responsive practice working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Trauma-informed care is often poorly defined in Australia’s healthcare field and is even less defined when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Our program, Damulgurra – the Larrakia word for ‘heart’ – seeks to address some missing elements of trauma-informed care in Australia through a process for knowing, being and doing with Aboriginal […]
Cultural safety

As an Aboriginal psychologist, who for some years has worked out of an Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) in northwest New South Wales, I have often had people referred to me after they requested to see an Aboriginal psychologist. My first thought has often been, “How can I help this person?” and what is it that […]
Community Healing

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, healing is a holistic process, which addresses mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs and involves connections to culture, family and land. Healing works best when solutions are culturally strong, developed and driven at the local level, and led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Impact on Indigenous Australians

The Commission contracted research into the impact of stigma and discrimination on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing problematic alcohol and other drug use, and on the related negative stereotypes that affect the social and emotional wellbeing of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, irrespective of whether they engage in alcohol and/or other […]
Ngangkari – Traditional Healers

Ngangkari are the traditional healers of the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara (NPY) lands in the remote western desert of Central Australia. Ngangkari have looked after people’s physical and emotional health for thousands of years. The NPY Women’s Council Ngangkari Program supports ngangkari to continue their work in communities, clinics and hospitals.
Gambay – Languages Map

First Languages Australia is working with regional language centres nationally to develop a map of Australian languages that reflects the names and groupings favoured by community. Regional language centres have provided updated maps for their regions to be collated into this interactive map of languages and language families. Some regions have choosen to show related […]
First languages Australia

First Languages Australia works to ensure that the wishes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members are voiced in key decision-making processes that impact on the current and future management of their languages. This will in turn shape the survival of Australia’s traditional languages into the future. The organisation facilitates discussions between communities and […]
Analysis & Policy Observatory – Indigenous

IRHD Publications and Resources Index

Database of publications and resources produced by and for the Indigenous and Rural Health Division
National Best Practice Framework for Cultural Competency in Australian Universities

This website contains some of the information from the National Best Practice Framework for Cultural Competency in Australian Universities, as well information on the Pilot Activity Projects conducted as part of this initiative.
Indigenous HealthInfoNet

The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet is an innovative Internet resource that aims to inform practice and policy in Indigenous health by making research and other knowledge readily accessible. In this way, we contribute to ‘closing the gap’ in health between Indigenous and other Australians.
Footprints in time: the longitudinal study of Indigenous children

This website provides information on the Footprints in Time study and links to its publications. Footprints in Time is the name given to the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (LSIC), an initiative of the Australian Government. Footprints in Time is conducted by the Department of Social Services (DSS) under the guidance of the Footprints in […]
Australian Child & Adolescent Trauma, Loss & Grief Network – Indigenous children and families

When an Indigenous child or adolescent experiences trauma, loss or grief, there can be extra complexities that need to be taken into account. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians’ experiences of loss are multifaceted and complex, and involve the ‘normal’ losses that people experience as well as the other losses that are specific to Indigenous […]
The Lowitja Institute – Literature Search

This search tool provides easy access to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health literature on the PubMed database You can choose to look at all literature or one of 27 search topics. You can refine each choice by entering keywords, filter options and published dates.