Cultural responsiveness is a term accepted by many as the best descriptor for professionals working with Indigenous clients in cross-cultural situations. This article sets out a guideline and a model of cultural responsiveness that can be adopted by mental health professionals worldwide. This model positions reflexivity at the centre and as the source and force that drives the cultural responsiveness dynamic. Domains of this model were previously identified from the literature and provide a guideline for students and practitioners to learn and to work in ways that are culturally responsive. Implications for the use of this model within teaching and learning contexts as well as within professional practice are discussed.
The information contained on this website has been sourced by the Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project (AIPEP) and AIPEP 2. The first AIPEP was funded by the Australian Government Office of Teaching and Learning. AIPEP 2 is part of the Transforming Indigenous Mental Health and Wellbeing Project, funded by the Million Minds Mission Grant. The views expressed in this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government Office of Teaching and Learning or the Million Minds Mission Grant.
Several of the images used throughout this website are credited to Chris Lewis