Resources Hub
Some of the resources listed on this website can be accessed immediately. However, due to copyright issues you may need to source the full text resource individually.
Below you will find some of the resources highlighted within topic tags. For a detailed search of available resources, please use the search tool above.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum
These resources are designed to assist in supporting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population with respect to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum.

OPINION: The referendum campaign already has me overwhelmed. Here’s how you can look after yourself
OPINION: The referendum campaign already has me overwhelmed. Here’s how you can look after yourself

Minimising harm in conversations about the referendum
Minimising harm in conversations about the referendum

Information, resources, and supports relating to the Voice to Parliament Referendum
Information, resources, and supports relating to the Voice to Parliament Referendum
Education, Student Support, and Workforce
These resources are designed to assist in transforming and decolonising psychology curricula, building knowledge capacity, supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in psychology, and building a culturally responsive mental health workforce.
Allied Health | Cultural Awareness, Responsiveness, and Safety | Cultural Immersion | Curriculum Development | Ethics | Health Profile and Statistics | History and Culture | International Literature | Lesson Plans and Learning Guides | Partnering with Indigenous Communities | Programs, Monitoring, and Evaluation | Placements | Policy | Recruitment and Student Support | Reviewing and Mapping Tools | Workforce
Allied Health

Cultural experiences of student and new-graduate dietitians in the Gomeroi gaaynggal ArtsHealth program: a quality assurance project
Issue addressed: Undergraduate dietetic students are required to demonstrate cultural awareness and culturally respectful communication

Cultural Responsiveness in Action – An IAHA Framework
The IAHA Cultural Responsiveness Framework provides information and support to prepare you to engage in

Cultural respect strategies in Australian Aboriginal primary health care services: beyond education and training of practitioners
Objective: There is little literature on health-service-level strategies for culturally respectful care to Aboriginal and

The role of traditional medicine practice in primary health care within Aboriginal Australia: a review of the literature
The practice of traditional Aboriginal medicine within Australia is at risk of being lost due
Cultural Awareness, Responsiveness, and Safety

The Australian Psychological Society’s Apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
The gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non‐Indigenous health, education, mental health, and

Colonisation, racism and Indigenous health
In settler-colonies such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States, the historical impacts

Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Declaration: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership in Mental Health
The Wharerātā Group of Indigenous mental health leaders from Canada, the United States, Australia, Samoa

Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practices.
The Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice

Bringing Them Home: National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families
This report is a tribute to the strength and struggles of many thousands of Aboriginal
Cultural Immersion

The importance of Indigenous centres/units for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: ensuring connection and belonging to support university completion
Indigenous student completion rates remain very low relative to non-Indigenous students. Some universities have higher

Listening more: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Guide for Psychology Supervisors.
The Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Guide for Psychology Supervisors is designed

Listening more: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Reflective Journal for Psychology Supervisors.
Welcome to the one of two companion documents to the Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety

Listening more: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. Manual of Resources for Psychology Supervisors.
Welcome to the one of two companion documents to the Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety

A theoretical conceptualisation of connection to culture in Australian First Peoples children
Connection to culture in Australian First Peoples children is an important social determinant of health
Curriculum Development

Teaching Indigenous psychology: A conscientisation, de-colonisation, and psychological literacy approach to curriculum
For at least 20 years, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, leaders, educators and mental

Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project Curriculum Framework
The objective of the AIPEP Curriculum Framework is to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Curriculum Framework
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Curriculum Framework (the Framework) has been developed to

Implementing an Intercultural Psychology Undergraduate Unit: Approach, Strategies, and Outcomes
The relative absence of Indigenous and multicultural perspectives in core undergraduate psychology curriculum is said

National Best Practice Framework for Cultural Competency in Australian Universities
This website contains some of the information from the National Best Practice Framework for Cultural

‘We’re checking them out’: Indigenous and non-Indigenous research participants’ accounts of deciding to be involved in research
Background: It is important for researchers to understand the motivations and decision-making processes of participants

Closing the gaps in and through Indigenous health research: guidelines, processes and practices
Research in Aboriginal contexts remains a vexed issue given the ongoing inequities and injustices in

Letters: Would the Northern Territory plan pass the Government’s own ethical guidelines?
One of the sad realities of human nature is our propensity to seek immediate solutions
Health Profile and Statistics

The Lancet Commission on Self-harm
This fact sheet provides a summary of the findings of The Lancet Commission on Self-harm (see:

Indigenous youth wellbeing in higher education: a systematic literature review of qualitative studies
Completing a higher education degree is a game changer for the success of Indigenous youth.
Heal Our Way
Heal Our Way is a NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Campaign funded

Engaging Australian Aboriginal youth in mental health services
It is currently estimated that up to 40% of Aboriginal youth (aged 13–17) will experience
History and Culture

What are the Frontier Wars?
The Frontier Wars refer to conflicts between Europeans and Aboriginal people including battles, acts of

Gambay – Languages Map
First Languages Australia is working with regional language centres nationally to develop a map of

First languages Australia
First Languages Australia works to ensure that the wishes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
A Radical Activist’s Manifesto for Indigenous Australian Mental Health: Rob Riley’s legacy twenty years on
In 1995, Indigenous leader and activist Rob Riley became the first Aboriginal person to deliver

Benny and the Dreamers (1992)
A small group of Pintupi living in west Central Australia today can remember their first
International Literature
Reconciling Relations: Shifting Counselling Psychology to Address Truth and Reconciliation
In 2018, the Canadian Counselling Psychology Conference (CCPC) convened a working group to address how

First Nations, Metis, & Inuit University Students’ Share Advice for College Entry and Retention
This article provides results from focus groups and individual interviews with current and former students
Contributions to urban Indigenous self-determination: The story of Neeginan and Kaupapa Māori
This paper considers two different Indigenous-led initiatives, the Neeginan initiative (Winnipeg, Canada) and the Kaupapa

Indigenous climate change studies: Indigenizing futures, decolonizing the anthropocene
Indigenous and allied scholars, knowledge keepers, scientists, learners, change-makers, and leaders are creating a field

Fighting a Different Battle: Challenges Facing American Indians in Higher Education
Educational access and attainment are among the most pressing issues facing Indian Country. Of particular
Lesson Plans and Learning Guides

Indigenizing and Decolonizing the Teaching of Psychology: Reflections on the Role of the Non-Indigenous Ally
Canada’s 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission published 94 Calls to Action including direction to post-secondary

AIATSIS Guide to evaluating and selecting education resources
The purpose of the AIATSIS Guide to evaluating and selecting education resources (the Guide) is

Understanding the Frontier Wars
This resource accompanies the SBS documentary The Australian Wars (produced by Blackfella Films) about the
Partnering with Indigenous Communities

Self-determination in programmes of perinatal health for Aboriginal Communities: A systematic review
Objective The importance of self-determination in restoring the wellbeing of Australian First Nations peoples is

Indigenizing and Decolonizing the Teaching of Psychology: Reflections on the Role of the Non-Indigenous Ally
Canada’s 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission published 94 Calls to Action including direction to post-secondary
Programs, Monitoring, and Evaluation

An Evaluation of the National Empowerment Project Cultural, Social, and Emotional Wellbeing Program
An array of cumulative risk and stress factors, and social inequities, have contributed to high

What the people said: Findings from the regional Roundtables of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project
This paper summarises key findings from the six community regional Roundtables that were undertaken as

Aboriginal communities improving Aboriginal health: An evidence review on the contribution of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services to improving Aboriginal health
Aboriginal communities have a long history of working to address the needs of Aboriginal peoples.

Teaching intercultural competencies in introductory psychology via application of the excellence in cultural experiential learning and leadership model
This article describes a pilot evaluation involving teaching and learning activities focussed on developing intercultural

Footprints in time: the longitudinal study of Indigenous children
This website provides information on the Footprints in Time study and links to its publications.

Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding
Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding empowers students to apply scientific and critical thinking to the psychology

Decolonising psychology: Why voice matters
Pat Dudgeon, Australia’s first registered Indigenous psychologist, and her colleagues Dawn Darlaston-Jones and Joanna Alexi

Decolonising Psychology – Part 2
In this two-part series, Professor Pat Dudgeon AM, Belle Selkirk and Dr Joanna Alexi (Transforming

Decolonising Psychology – Part 1
In this two-part series, Professor Pat Dudgeon AM, Belle Selkirk and Dr Joanna Alexi (Transforming

Achieving stability for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care – SNAICC Policy Position Statement
SNAICC and many of its members have been watching with concern as, around the country,

The evolving policy context in mental health and wellbeing
This chapter outlines the role of policy in setting directions for, and achieving change in,

Apology to Australia’s Indigenous peoples. Transcript of Speech by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, MP, to the Parliament of Australia, 13 February 2008
Invited Members of the Stolen Generations heard first-hand in the gallery of The House of
Recruitment and Student Support

Collaborative practices and partnerships to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Griffith University has one of the largest cohorts of Indigenous students, with 815 enrolments to

Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project Guidelines for Increasing the Recruitment, Retention and Graduation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Psychology Students
AIPEP Guidelines for Increasing the Recruitment, Retention and Graduation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

High school outreach in remote northwest Queensland
The QIMR Berghofer’s Science and Young Minds project aimed to inspire the scientists and medical

A profile of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander higher education student population
This paper brings together recent statistics relating to the participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Reviewing and Mapping Tools

Ausplat Conference: 17-19 September 2021
The following document provides links to access the Ausplat (Australian Psychology Learning and Teaching) conference

Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project Workforce Capabilities Framework
The objective of the AIPEP Workforce Capabilities Framework is to document the knowledge, skills and

Supporting Aboriginal mental health workers: research into perspectives on system change
This report is an evaluation of the Aboriginal Mental Health Workers (AMHW) program in remote

Shifting gears in careers: Identifying drivers of career development for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers in the health sector
This paper explores how the Australian health sector might improve opportunities for career development for

The Djurruwang Program: Cultural affirmation for effective mental health
This chapter outlines the growth and development of the Djirruwang Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Topic Areas
These resources are designed to provide information on specific topics related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing.
Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention

This New Short Film Details The Horrors Of Indigenous Displacement & Incarceration First-Hand
With NAIDOC Week observances ongoing for 2021, important spotlights are being placed on the issues

Impact on Indigenous Australians
The Commission contracted research into the impact of stigma and discrimination on Aboriginal and Torres

Review of illicit drug use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the use of illicit

Harmful Substance Use and Mental Health
In this chapter, we briefly examine harmful substance use and mental health among Aboriginal Australians.

Addictions – Violence and Spirituality
We Al-li community and workplace workshops are an Indigenous therapeutic response to individual, family and

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander LGBTQIASB+ people and mental health and wellbeing
The high rates of suicide-related behaviour among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, combined with
Indigenous Psychology

Self-determination and strengths-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention: An emerging evidence-based approach
This chapter explores the emerging international evidence-base within Indigenous suicide research which supports holistic, strengths-based,

Addressing inequities in Indigenous mental health and wellbeing through transformative and decolonising research and practice
Aim: This paper discusses the current mental health and social and emotional wellbeing in Indigenous

Aboriginal Participatory Action Research: An Indigenous Research Methodology Strengthening Decolonisation and Social and Emotional Wellbeing
This discussion paper explicates the concepts and application of a critically reflexive and transformative Indigenous

Decolonising Psychology: Validating Social and Emotional Wellbeing: Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Objective Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) is a multifaceted

A history of Indigenous psychology
This chapter discusses how the discipline and practice of psychology has been part of the
Justice Issues

Significance of Culture to Wellbeing, Healing and Rehabilitation
The Bugmy Bar Book is pleased to announce the publication of Significance of Culture to

This New Short Film Details The Horrors Of Indigenous Displacement & Incarceration First-Hand
With NAIDOC Week observances ongoing for 2021, important spotlights are being placed on the issues

Partnership for Justice in Health: Scoping Paper on Race, Racism and the Australian Health System
This discussion paper was first prepared as a scoping paper designed to assist the Partnership

Study protocol for screening and diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) among young people sentenced to detention in Western Australia
Introduction Prenatal alcohol exposure can cause lifelong disability, including physical, cognitive and behavioural deficits, known

Aboriginal offender rehabilitation programs
This chapter highlights the ongoing over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the
Trauma and Trauma Informed Healing

Healing for Our Stolen Generations: sharing our stories
This report is a review of the first two years of projects funded under the

Community life and development programs: pathways to healing
This chapter provides an overarching framework for understanding the components of healthy communities through a

Addressing individual and community transgenerational trauma
This chapter provides a focus on trauma as cause and effect which, when untreated, can

Making Tracks: A Trauma-Informed Framework for Supporting Aboriginal Young People Leaving Care
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people leaving out-of-home care are even more likely to

Trauma and Recovery
We Al-li community and workplace workshops are an Indigenous therapeutic response to individual, family and
Psychological Assessments, Tests, and Practice

Culturally informed case conceptualisation: Developing a clinical psychology approach to treatment planning for non-Indigenous psychologists working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients
Background:In the context of the Australian Psychological Society’sformalapology and the increasing awareness of the need

“You’ve got to make it relevant”: barriers and ways forward for assessing cognition in Aboriginal clients
Background: Reliable cognitive assessment for non-western cultures is difficult given that mainstream tests typically rely

Principles of practice in mental health assessment with Aboriginal Australians
In this chapter, concepts and history of assessment and testing in the context of Aboriginal

Psychological and cognitive assessment of Indigenous Australians
Objective: The aim of the present review was to evaluate the psychological and cognitive assessments

Psychometric validation of the Growth and Empowerment Measure (GEM) applied with Indigenous Australians
Objective: Empowerment is a complex process of psychological, social, organizational and structural change. It allows

The Final Quarter
Adam Goodes was a champion AFL footballer and Indigenous leader. In the final three years

Racial Bias in Health Care and Health: Challenges and Opportunities
This Viewpoint describes the contribution of racial bias to disparities in health care and discusses

The DRUID study: racism and self-assessed health status in an indigenous population
Background: There is now considerable evidence from around the world that racism is associated with

Racism as a determinant of social and emotional wellbeing for Aboriginal Australian youth
Objective: To explore the associations between self-reported racism and health and wellbeing outcomes for young

The Boatshed Racism Roundtable Declaration
Over 40 leading researchers and academics from across Australia met at the University of Western

Let the healing begin: Response to the government to the national apology to the Stolen Generations. Transcript of Speech to the Member’s Hall, Parliament House, Canberra
Tom Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Australian Human Rights and Equal

Australian Reconciliation Barometer 2012
Reconciliation Australia and Auspoll began collaboration on the Reconciliation Barometer research project in February 2007.

Indigenous reconciliation in Australia: do values, identity and collective guilt matter?
This paper reports an investigation of the impact of shared values and identities on Australian

Psychology and reconciliation: Australian perspectives
Australia is engaged in the process of reconciliation. In this paper we argue that psychology

Benny and the Dreamers (1992)
A small group of Pintupi living in west Central Australia today can remember their first
Social and Emotional Wellbeing

Understanding Aboriginal Models of Selfhood: The National Empowerment Project’s Cultural, Social, and Emotional Wellbeing Program in Western Australia
Culturally safe and responsive interventions that acknowledge Aboriginal models of selfhood are needed. Such interventions

Indigenous Healing Practices in Australia. Women & Therapy
Indigenous Australian women are among the most disadvantaged women in the world. Over two centuries

Enhancing wellbeing, empowerment, healing and leadership
This chapter explores the relevance of Aboriginal perspectives of empowerment, healing and leadership, as strategies

Social determinants of social and emotional wellbeing
This chapter explores current understandings of the social determinants of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing
This chapter examines understandings of social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) with the aim of clarifying
Suicide Prevention

The aftermath of Aboriginal suicide: Lived experience as the missing foundation for suicide prevention and postvention
This paper aimed to highlight the systemic and theoretical barriers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait

The context and causes of the suicide of Indigenous people in Australia
When comparing suicide in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) population to that in

What works in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention?
Suicide is a complex behaviour with many causes. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

The Elders Report into preventing Indigenous self-harm and youth suicide
Interview excerpts of Elders featured in the Report. The Culture Is Life campaign aims to

Indigenous Suicide and Colonization: The Legacy of Violence and the Necessity of Self-Determination
Contemporary indigenous first nations psychologists have developed an alternative frame for viewing suicide that not
Whiteness and Decolonisation

What Contributions, if Any, Can Non-Indigenous Researchers Offer Toward Decolonizing Health Research?
Four non-Indigenous academics share lessons learned through our reflective processes while working with Indigenous Australian

Decolonising clinical psychology: National and international perspectives
Background Throughout the 19th and 20th Centuries psychology has been used as a tool of

Are We Asking the Right Questions? Why We Should Have a Decolonzing Discourse Based on Conscientization Rather Than Indigenizing the Curriculum
In this paper, we pose the question of terminology and definitions associated with the concept