The importance of Indigenous centres/units for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: ensuring connection and belonging to support university completion

Indigenous student completion rates remain very low relative to non-Indigenous students. Some universities have higher Indigenous student completion rates than the national average but research-based evidence of these universities as ‘success models’ is limited. Drawing on findings from interviews with Indigenous university graduates and staff as part of a National Centre for Student Equity in […]
Listening more: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. Manual of Resources for Psychology Supervisors.

Welcome to the one of two companion documents to the Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Guide for Psychology Supervisors (hereafter, the Guide). This document is the Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. Manual of Resources which includes a sample of recommended reading and resources to assist psychology supervisors’ learning journeys. The […]
Listening more: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Guide for Psychology Supervisors.

The Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Guide for Psychology Supervisors is designed to support supervisors in being culturally safe and responsive in their supervision of Australia’s psychologists, specifically when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This project was led by the Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project (AIPEP), in collaboration with […]
Listening more: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Reflective Journal for Psychology Supervisors.

Welcome to the one of two companion documents to the Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Guide for Psychology Supervisors. (hereafter, the Guide). This document is the Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Reflective Journal for Psychology Supervisors (hereafter, the Journal). The second companion document is the Listening More Manual of […]
A theoretical conceptualisation of connection to culture in Australian First Peoples children

Connection to culture in Australian First Peoples children is an important social determinant of health in child development and wellbeing. The current study draws upon the collective knowledge of Australian First Peoples Elders and community leaders to collaboratively develop the first theoretical conceptualisation of connection to culture in Australian First Peoples children. Through participatory action […]
Indigenous Knowledge and Mental Health

This text represents a wholly refreshing, important, challenging, and creative contribution to the literature addressing the impacts of colonization on the well-being of Indigenous Peoples and the role of Indigenous knowledge(s) in healing and wellbeing.
Demonstrating the relationship between culture, on-country activity and positive social outcomes for Indigenous young people

This article provides a discussion of research literature concerned with the efficacy of on-country activity, culture, language, art and performance in supporting positive social outcomes for Indigenous people. It also includes references to a number of case study examples from regional Australia of successful ‘outcomes’ that have emerged from projects drawing upon culture, language and […]
Kaartajin Ngundabut Indigenous Cultural Knowledge

This is the second video in a three-part video series and collaboration between the Transforming Indigenous Mental Health and Wellbeing project and Pearson Australia. This dynamic three-part video series provides foundational learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural knowledges, and explores contemporary global issues, such as the Black Lives Matter movement. Together, the video […]
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health in General Practice: An introduction to teaching and learning

This guide sets out how GP Supervisors can strengthen teaching and learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
An introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health cultural protocols and perspectives
This document provides a guide to appropriate and respectful behaviour with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is intended to give RACGP members and staff background information and guidance on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, along with an understanding of important protocols and other relevant cultural issues. It can be used to guide […]
Gambay – Languages Map

First Languages Australia is working with regional language centres nationally to develop a map of Australian languages that reflects the names and groupings favoured by community. Regional language centres have provided updated maps for their regions to be collated into this interactive map of languages and language families. Some regions have choosen to show related […]
First languages Australia

First Languages Australia works to ensure that the wishes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members are voiced in key decision-making processes that impact on the current and future management of their languages. This will in turn shape the survival of Australia’s traditional languages into the future. The organisation facilitates discussions between communities and […]
Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practices.

The Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice had its origins in the Australian Government’s commitment to improve mental health services nationally. The book was a key strategy to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-specific initiatives of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) mental health reform over five […]
Developing an exploratory framework linking Australian Aboriginal peoples’ connection to Country and concepts of wellbeing

Aboriginal people across Australia suffer significant health inequalities compared with the non-Indigenous population. Evidence indicates that inroads can be made to reduce these inequalities by better understanding social and cultural determinants of health, applying holistic notions of health and developing less rigid definitions of wellbeing. The following article draws on qualitative research on Victorian Aboriginal […]

Bob Randall, a member of Yankunytjatjara people and one of the listed traditional owners of Uluru, explains the principle of connectedness through caring and responsibility that informs all aspects of Aboriginal life. Duration: 53 mins
Billibellary’s Walk (Guided Map)

Billibellary’s Walk is named after the Ngurungaeta, or clan head, of the Wurundjeri people at the time of Melbourne’s settlement. The self-guided walk is a cultural interpretation of the University’s Parkville campus landscape and provides a narrative, from an Aboriginal perspective, for participants to explore and imagine the university landscape across time and seasons whilst […]
PSY320 Indigenous Cultural Immersion Experience

The plan for this subject was a capstone experience which would provide students with face to face experience with Indigenous Elders Syllabus. The cultural guides will be responsible for providing background knowledge on: • The experiences of the local Indigenous people in that community and the past and ongoing impact of colonisation. • The history […]