Listening more: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Guide for Psychology Supervisors.

The Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Guide for Psychology Supervisors is designed to support supervisors in being culturally safe and responsive in their supervision of Australia’s psychologists, specifically when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This project was led by the Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project (AIPEP), in collaboration with […]
Listening more: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Reflective Journal for Psychology Supervisors.

Welcome to the one of two companion documents to the Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Guide for Psychology Supervisors. (hereafter, the Guide). This document is the Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Reflective Journal for Psychology Supervisors (hereafter, the Journal). The second companion document is the Listening More Manual of […]
Listening more: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. Manual of Resources for Psychology Supervisors.

Welcome to the one of two companion documents to the Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. A Guide for Psychology Supervisors (hereafter, the Guide). This document is the Listening More: Embedding Cultural Safety in Supervision. Manual of Resources which includes a sample of recommended reading and resources to assist psychology supervisors’ learning journeys. The […]
Nurturing the wellbeing of Aboriginal youth

In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Kahli Regan and Tannielle McHugh, offer profound insights into the challenges and triumphs of Aboriginal youth in the realm of mental health. Drawing on their personal experiences and cultural backgrounds, these dynamic voices delve into the importance of building authentic connections, acknowledging intergenerational trauma and fostering resilience within Aboriginal communities. […]
A review of Evidence-Based Evaluation of Measures for Assessing Social and Emotional Well-Being in Indigenous Australians

Addressing low levels of social and emotional well-being (SEWB) in Indigenous communities has been a national strategic priority for over 10 years and yet progress in assessing the impact of interventions has been slow. One of the key factors limiting the development of evidence-based practice has been the lack of well-validated instruments to assess SEWB […]
Weaving Wayapa and cognitive behaviour therapy: applying research topic yarning to explore a cultural interface between Western and Indigenous psychology practice in Australia

Background Indigenous Psychology within Australia reflects the traditional knowledges of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and their understanding of the cultivation of relational social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB). However, these perspectives are poorly incorporated into dominant “Western” psychological theories and practice, such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). This represents a barrier to the cultural […]
Working alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care through a culturally safe framework [Webinar]

Working alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care through a culturally safe framework
A theoretical conceptualisation of connection to culture in Australian First Peoples children

Connection to culture in Australian First Peoples children is an important social determinant of health in child development and wellbeing. The current study draws upon the collective knowledge of Australian First Peoples Elders and community leaders to collaboratively develop the first theoretical conceptualisation of connection to culture in Australian First Peoples children. Through participatory action […]
Beyond the Colonial Ontological Turn: Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Australia

The SAGE Handbook of Global Sociology addresses the ‘social’, its various expressions globally, and the ways in which such understandings enable us to understand and account for global structures and processes. It demonstrates the vitality of thought from around the world by connecting theories and traditions, including reflections on European colonization, to build shared, rather […]
Indigenous Australian Understandings of Holistic Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing

Through colonisation in Australia, Western paradigms of health and mental health have dominated the discourse on mental health and excluded Indigenous knowledges, which consider wellbeing from a more holistic perspective. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (the Indigenous peoples of Australia) understand health through the Social and Emotional WellBeing (SEWB) model, which considers the body […]
Healing Our Way Podcast

The Healing Our Way podcast was created in close consultation with The Healing Foundation’s Youth Reference Group. Season one explores topics relating to intergenerational trauma, racism, identity, culture, and healing. Season two takes a deep dive into intergenerational healing and the strengths and challenges that many First Nations youth are currently experiencing. The series features […]
Glossary of healing terms

Stolen Generations Resource Kit for Teachers and Students

Timeline of Trauma and Healing in Australia

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ understandings, experiences and impacts of lateral violence within the workplace

Lateral violence is the act of directing one’s dissatisfaction inwards, towards another member of an oppressed group. Lateral violence is believed to be an ongoing and intergenerational consequence of colonisation and oppression for many Indigenous peoples around the world. Within Australian, oppression in the form of racism and negative stereotypes has consequently enabled lateral violence […]
Attachment and the (mis)apprehension of Aboriginal children: epistemic violence in child welfare interventions

Child protection systems in Australia continue to disproportionately investigate Aboriginal families and intervene to remove Aboriginal children, applying non-Indigenous constructs and understandings of child development that contribute to these enduring inequities. Attachment theory is one such prevalent framework with significant applications in child protection. While constructions of attachment have attempted to grapple with diversity, its […]
Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples experiencing intergenerational trauma

Having the Hard Conversations: A guide to good practice in Indigenous health and cultural safety education

This ‘Guide to Good Practice’ (the Guide), is one of the major educational resources arising from a National Senior Teaching Fellowship awarded to Professor Dennis McDermott in 2014 by the (then) Australian Government Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT). The programme of work, Having the Hard Conversations: Strengthening pedagogical effectiveness by working with student and […]
Ngara. Deep listening. Seeing ‘two ways’. What can Indigenous knowledge, mindfulness and observational skills training bring to medical practice?

What can Indigenous knowledge, mindfulness and observational skills training bring to medical practice? This third Slice of LIME Seminar took place on Friday, 12 September 2014 at Flinders University South Australia, facilitated by Prof Dennis McDermott from the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health and Well-Being, Flinders University, South Australia, as part of the A.K.A. (Aboriginal […]
Slice of LIME Seminar 2: Having the Hard Conversations

This second Slice of LIME Seminar took place on Tuesday 12 August 2014 at the University of Melbourne, presented by Professor Dennis McDermott and Mr Dave Sjoberg from the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health and Well-Being, Flinders University, South Australia. This video recording shows the presentations, along with PowerPoint slides and the chat function used […]
The need for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coalition on Climate and Health: Policy position paper

Lowitja Institute has published a policy position paper, Let’s walk together, work together, we’ll be stronger together: The need for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coalition on Climate and Health, which outlines our recommendation for the Australian Government to fund the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coalition on Climate and Health.
Cultural Determinants of Health (CDoH) Webcast Series

The Cultural Determinants of Health (CDoH) Webcast Series will explore a holistic definition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health as encompassing the wellbeing of the whole community. The key to this holistic conception is social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB): a positive state of mental health and happiness associated with a strong and sustaining cultural […]
Chapter 3: Indigenous Psychology in Australia

The new sixth edition of the Burton Psychology is the gold standard ANZ resource on the market. After comprehensive consultation and research, the new edition has been reduced in size by 19%, and refreshed to include cross-cultural psychology throughout the book. The text has also been reorganised to place new chapters on Indigenous Psychology and […]
Aboriginal perceptions of social and emotional wellbeing programs: A systematic review of literature assessing social and emotional wellbeing programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians perspectives

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have been targets of social and emotional wellbeing programs for many years. However, the few health-care programs and services that are evaluated rarely provide insight into the participants’ perspectives of program success or failure. This systematic review assessed 33 social and emotional wellbeing programs across Australia to better […]
Unconscious bias, cultural safety and racism in health: How we heal a broken system