Significance of Culture to Wellbeing, Healing and Rehabilitation

The Bugmy Bar Book is pleased to announce the publication of Significance of Culture to Wellbeing, Healing and Rehabilitation, a report by Vanessa Edwige, registered psychologist, and Dr Paul Gray, Associate Professor, UTS Jumbunna Institute of Indigenous Education and Research. Both of the authors are Directors of the Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association (AIPA). This report […]
This New Short Film Details The Horrors Of Indigenous Displacement & Incarceration First-Hand

With NAIDOC Week observances ongoing for 2021, important spotlights are being placed on the issues and systemic under-privileges that face First Nations people from the moment they are born. And thanks to a brand new short film, the first-hand horrors of displacement and a youth spent slipping through the cracks have been laid bare.
Partnership for Justice in Health: Scoping Paper on Race, Racism and the Australian Health System

This discussion paper was first prepared as a scoping paper designed to assist the Partnership for Justice in Health (P4JH) consider what is offered by existing scholarship about race and racism in the health system, and in particular, to identify a research approach to support the Australian Government’s National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health […]
Study protocol for screening and diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) among young people sentenced to detention in Western Australia

Introduction Prenatal alcohol exposure can cause lifelong disability, including physical, cognitive and behavioural deficits, known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Among individuals with FASD, engagement with justice services is common. Little is known about the prevalence of FASD among young people engaged with the Australian justice system. This study aims to establish FASD prevalence […]
Aboriginal offender rehabilitation programs

This chapter highlights the ongoing over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the criminal justice system and emphasises an urgent need for the development of appropriate responses to this problem. A key response to this issue is through the provision of culturally secure, relevant and effective rehabilitation programs for Aboriginal people within the […]
Mental Disorder and Cognitive Disability in the Criminal Justice System

This chapter examines what is known about the prevalence of mental disorder and cognitive disability amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in contact with the criminal justice system and how these issues impact on individuals, families and communities. The literature in this area is reviewed; there is now a considerable body of evidence supporting […]